How I Worked on my Mental to Improve my Physical (pt. 2)
Part 2: How I Worked on my Mental to Improve my Physical And How the Hell do I Hike with Neuropathy? –– Disclaimer: this is a long and personal story. Many of you know parts of it; very few know the whole thing. I'm not putting this out to start a pity party, I've done enough of that on my own. This is the story of my life, for better or worse, since 2017, and I feel it is important context to understand where I'm at and why I'm doing what I'm doing. Additionally, I'll discuss my own mental health in part 2, and I believe that the more stories like this are shared, the more people will feel comfortable addressing their own mental health. I've separated this post into 2 parts. Part 1 – " My feet are fucked up" – might be considered a bit of a "downer", but it provides background on what you're about to read. Part 2 will sum up part 1 and delve into my journey over the past couple years, leading to this trip. –– I have neuropathy in ...